Here Are Some Black Nail Salons And Techs You Can Support in Los Angeles County
Here is a list of Black nail techs and salons in Los Angeles. There has been an explosion of Black women who know how to do nails especially in Los
Here is a list of Black nail techs and salons in Los Angeles. There has been an explosion of Black women who know how to do nails especially in Los Angeles. Please feel free to send us a message to be featured!
Full Service Nail Salons

Emerald City Nail Bar LA | @emeraldcitynailbarla | 3819 W Slauson Ave Los Angeles, CA
Clawed Nail Salon | @clawednailsalon | (562) 202-4582
Atrium Nail & Beauty Garden | @atriumbeautygarden | 5035 Slauson Ave Los Angeles, CA
Girlie Thingz | @girlie_thingz | Compton, CA
Beauty Pro L.A West Hollywood | @beautyprola | 1250 N. La Brea West Hollywood, CA

Black Nail Techs
Nails By Elle | @Nailsbyelle | (323) 297 3356
Chique Clawz | @chiqueclawz | Book: https://chiqueclawz.as.me/schedule.php
Done Up Nails | @Doneupnails
Nails By Juicyy | @Nailsbyjuicyy | Book: https://glossgenius.com/
Klawed By Kathy | @klawedbykathy | https://klawedbykathy.com/
Jazz Naild It | @jazz_naildit_
Cherry Nails Lounge | @cherrynailslounge
Gwen Slayy Nails | @gwen_slayynails
Naild by Danni | @naildbydanni__
Prettyy Girl Nails | @prettyygirlnails
Longway Nails | @longway_nails
Perfectly Polished LA | @perfectlypolishedla | https://1perfectlypolishedla.as.me/schedule.php
Licensed Las Vegas Nail Tech | @the_glamtrapp
Nissana Nicole | @nissananicoleartistry
Reignn Drop Nails | @reignndropnails | https://reignndropnails.as.me/schedule.php
Buff3d Nails | @buff3d_nails
Drippyyy Nailz | @drippyyynailz
Nails By Cherie| @nails_by_cherie
Vee Loves Nails | @veelovesnails
Divinity Beauty | @divinity.beauty_ | https://divinitybeauty.glossgenius.com/
Nail Drip By D | @naildrip_byd | https://naildripbyd.as.me/schedule.php
Tena’Ja M | @tenaaaja | https://tenaaaja.as.me/schedule.php
Deja | @krylxbydej_ | https://krylxbydej.as.me/schedule.php
Nails & Feet Tech
Mobile Gel Manicures & Pedicures in LA | @nailsbynysi | https://pedicuresinla.com/