Sun, Mar 9, 2025

Community Leaders Support Councilman Price Against Suspension

  • PublishedJune 21, 2023

Los Angeles, CA—In a display of solidarity, clergy members, community leaders, representatives from neighborhood councils, nonprofit organizations, and stakeholders will gather tomorrow at the Estelle Van Meter Multipurpose Center, to demand that the Los Angeles City Council listen to the constituents and reconsider the hasty suspension of Councilmember Price from his Council seat.

The community members voice their concerns that it is unfair to suspend Councilmember Price before he has had the chance to address the charges against him in court. Councilmember Price is a respected and influential figure amongst many within the community, who praise him for his commitment to organized labor and his efforts to uplift low-wage earners.

Although he has drawn criticism like many Black politicians who fail to address the most pressing issues facing Black Angeleno’s, Price has shown unwavering commitment of immigration services to mixed-status families, showcasing his dedication to fostering inclusivity and support within the community.

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The upcoming meeting of the Rules, Elections, and Intergovernmental Relations Committee on Friday, June 23, will address the potential suspension of Councilmember Price. Committee members will deliberate and make recommendations to the full City Council regarding whether Price should be suspended prior to his arraignment.

Representatives from various organizations will participate in the press conference, including Pastor Shep Crawford of Experience Christian Ministries, Adela Barajas, the Founder of Life After Uncivil Ruthless Acts (L.A.U.R.A.), Noreen McClendon, Executive Director at Concerned Citizens of South Central Los Angeles, Maria Espinoza from Mamas del Sur Centro, Johnny Andrade, President of the South Central Neighborhood Council, and Audrey Landeros, a local youth representative.

Their unified presence at the gathering demonstrates the broad-based support for Councilmember Price within the community. These individuals seek to emphasize their support for Price, urging committee members not to rush to judgment but instead, allow him his due process.

The Los Angeles City Council faced a similar upheaval when Councilmember Mark Ridley-Thomas was suspended amidst his connection to a USC bribery case. This suspension, which left CD10 constituents without proper representation and voting power, became a cause for concern and discontent within the district.

The suspension of Mark Ridley-Thomas created a significant void within CD10, as constituents were left without a voice in their local government. This lack of representation and voting power led to a sense of disenfranchisement and frustration among the community. The city council was quick to address the issue by appointing Heather Hutt as a temporary replacement, aiming to provide some semblance of representation and ensure that the concerns and needs of CD10 residents were not overlooked.

During an appearance Wednesday on Tavis Smiley’s talk radio show on KBLA-AM 1580, Krekorian said the public should not assume that Price will be suspended simply because a suspension motion is being considered. “This is simply to allow the conversation to begin,” Krekorian said. “It’s not the end of the conversation. It’s the beginning of the conversation.”

The Los Angeles Times

It becomes increasingly evident that the CD9 community should not have to suffer without proper representation before Councilmember Price has the opportunity to defend himself in a court of law against the charges brought upon him. The community members of CD9, much like their CD10 counterparts, deserve the right to be heard and have their voices represented within the city council.

The impact of such a suspension cannot be underestimated. Beyond the immediate absence of representation, it fosters a sense of distrust among constituents towards the council’s ability to navigate such situations with fairness and transparency.

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